Conflict Diffuser Blueprint: An Overview

Want to quickly and easily diffuse tension and reconnect with your spouse?

You're in the right place!

During the Conflict Diffuser Blueprint you’ll have access to videos and written material with downloadable pdfs that will equip you with mindset and communication tools to use when things get heated between the two of you.

Using the tools allows you to move away from the screaming matches or the silent treatment and instead move toward respectful conversations that tend to both of your needs.

Implementing the skills makes it so you can both know what to do when a difficult situation presents itself. It works because the included pdf resources allow you to personalize what you learn and come up with a plan together before the next conflict presents itself. This matters because you want more joy and peace at home.

Each Building Block of The Conflict Diffuser Blueprint provides communication solutions for patterns that happen for many couples.

Here's a sampling of topics addressed:

  • How to attend to ourselves before entering into a potential conflict so that when things are heated, you can first decompress yourself
  • What to do and say when a misunderstanding happens so that you can get aligned more quickly
  • How to respond when one of you wants to talk and the other wants to problem solve so that you can get on the same page and get your needs met

The courses are practical and include sample scripts for what you can say in different scenarios. I provide lots of options so you can choose what works best for you.

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