You want to quickly & easily diffuse tension & reconnect with your spouse

Each Building Block module of The Conflict Diffuser Blueprint provides communication solutions for patterns that happen for many couples.

Courses address topics like:

  • How to attend to ourselves before entering into a potential conflict so that when things are heated, you can first decompress yourself
  • What to do and say when a misunderstanding happens so that you can get to a peaceful resolution more quickly
  • How to respond when one of you wants to talk and the other wants to problem solve so that you can get your needs met
  • How to be a team when visiting family & in-laws so that you remain close to each other

The material is presented in video and written form with an accompanying pdf you can download.

The courses are practical and include sample scripts for what you can say in different scenarios. I provide with lots of options so you can choose what works best for you.

Welcome! I'm so glad you're here!

I'm Dr. Kristin Barnhart, licensed psychologist, couples coach and instructor for The Conflict Diffuser Blueprint.

This is one of the many things I offer to help couples remain curious, decrease conflict and increase intimacy. You can see more of what I offer at

I'd love to connect and can be reached at [email protected]

This fits into a bigger framework

A healthy relationship isn’t about the absence of conflict, it’s about knowing how to successfully resolve an argument and then reconnect. 

I notice that my clients benefit when I guide them on an upward spiral of steps which I call The Harmony Method. 

The 3 Steps of The Harmony Method:

  1. Create Curiosity
  2. Decrease Conflict
  3. Increase Intimacy

With each successful step the couple creates something beautiful together as they move closer to a marriage they love.

As couples practice the three steps and experience success along the way, they move to an elevated level and are prepared for when a new conflict presents itself. We’re human, so there will be future conflicts to navigate with more opportunities to practice the three steps! 

The Conflict Diffuser Blueprint is an introductory sampling of what can be done to decrease conflict.

Let's get started!

Decompress yourself first
Building Block:
First decompress

Building Block:
One wants to talk.
The other wants to
problem solve.

Building Block:
What to do after a misunderstanding

Building Block:
Maintaining Harmony as a Couple: When interacting with in-laws

Summer Lovin'
Series of short videos featuring simple ways to connect

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